Alexander, Horace

Personne physique
Horace ALEXANDER (1889-1989) was a quaker born in England. Alexander was educated at Bootham School in York and at King's College, Cambridge University, where he graduated with honors in history. Alexander was a life-long member of the Religious Society of Friends. He was active with the League of Nations Union's Opium Traffic Committee (1926-1931), and his concern about Great Britain's profit in the opium trade led to his first visit to India in 1928, where he met Gandhi and stayed with him for a week. Alexander's life-long interest in India involved activities with the India Conciliation Group, which worked for Indian independence from Great Britain; being an advisor(?) to Gandhi at the Round Table Conference in London (England) in 1931; serving with the Friends Ambulance Unit in India in 1942-1943; being an advisor to Gandhi during Cabinet Mission sessions in India in 1946; doing relief work in India with the Friends Ambulance Unit and the Friends Service Council in India and Pakistan in 1948; corresponding with Indians and others around the world to lobby for Indian rights; and, writing and publishing extensively about Gandhi and about India.
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Qu'a Gandhi à nous dire aujourd'hui ?