Treni, Hugo

Personne physique
Ugo FEDELI, known also as Hugo Treni; used many other pseudonyms. Born in Milan 1898, died in Ivrea, Italy 1964; anarchist, worker, writer and collector. Arrested for the first time in 1913; attended the events of the 'Settimana rossa' in Milano, 1914; drafted in 1917, but deserted to Switzerland where was tried in the 'Bombe di Zurich' process in 1919, together with Luigi Bertoni and many others; in 1920 married Clelia Premoli; took part in the main events of the 'Biennio rosso' in Milan until march 1921: then accused, as well as other anarchists, of a series of bomb attacks, culminated in the bomb at the theater 'Diana', that caused 21 victimes. Through Switzerland and Berlin, went to Russia, where he spent less than one year; left at the end of 1921 and went to Berlin; at the end of 1924 went to Paris, where he took part in the major events of political activities of the italian immigration in France ('fuoriuscitismo'). Author of the periodical 'La Lotta Umana' together with Luigi Fabbri, Camillo Berneri, Torquato Gobbi and others; expelled from France in 1929, went first to Bruxelles, then from Antwerpen to Montevideo, Uruguay; collaborated with Fabbri and others in publishing 'Studi sociali'; deported to Italy by the Terra dictatorship in 1933; imprisoned in 'confino' (various places) form 1935 to 1943; secretary of the Federazione Comunista Libertaria Alta Italia (FCLAI) and then of Federazione Anarchica Italiana (FAI) after the war; member of the Commission de Relations Internationales Anarchistes (CRIA) from 1948; in 1951 employed by Adriano Olivetti as a librarian and organizer of courses for the Centre Cultural Olivetti. During all his life contributed to a great number of periodicals; author of many publications on anarchism, in particular of bibliographical and biographical studies, collected, together with Clelia Premoli, an important collections of books, pamphlets, periodicals and various documents.
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Une belle figure de l'anarchisme. Simon RADOWITZKY